Families First Funding

As announced in our phone message, a new federal program under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act has provided additional funding for families whose children received free or reduced price meal program. All families whose children were receiving free or reduced price meals at school prior to March 16, 2020 will receive a special EBT card in the benefit amount of $5.70 for each school-aged child for each day of the closure, which was March 16, 2020. Those families are automatically enrolled in this special program and must only notify the school IF your name, address or phone number has changed since school was closed.

If you are a family, whose economic status has changed since March 16, 2020 due to closures or layoffs you may now be eligible to apply for this funding. Please review the special information below for additional information, a copy of the application and directions on how to apply. Applications may be placed in the drop box in the lobby of the ESC building at 215 Forker Blvd. in Sharon daily from 8am – 3pm or mailed to the ESC Building, 215 Forker Blvd. Sharon PA 16146

Letter to Households:  https://5il.co/fo8d

Application Instructions: https://5il.co/fo8e 

Application Packet: https://5il.co/fo8f

Pandemic EBT Message: https://5il.co/fo8g